Are you facing a financial emergency but don’t have sufficient money to get by? You may consider getting a loan from the bank or a money lender. However, most lenders and banks, reject loan applications because of bad credit. If that is the case, you may also consider selling your car or home but that will leave you with nothing in the end. Instead, you can apply for a Bad Credit Auto Loan in Surrey BC through Canada Loan Shop.
Canada Loan Shop allows you to borrow money using the title of your vehicle as collateral regardless of what your credit score is. If you are looking for a Bad Credit Auto Loans in Surrey, BC you can contact us and get your loan approved quickly. We provide the amount your eligible to borrow through a simple and clear evaluation process of your vehicle. The best thing about loaning with us is that you get the cash and can still keep your car!
How to Apply for an auto loan at Canada Loan Shop?
- Call our helpline number 1-844-572-0004 or fill out the online application form at our website.
- Set up a visit with one of our loan agents and visit our office along with your proper documentation. Bring your vehicle in for evaluation, to find out the the amount you are eligible to borrow.
- Go through our loan terms and conditions and clear any concerns with our loan agents.
- Sign the loan documents, walk away with your money and your vehicle..=
Benefits of Choosing Canada Loan Shop for a Bad Credit Auto Loan in Surrey, BC
- Fair business policies with transparent loan terms and loan conditions.
- Borrow Up to $65,000 depending on the condition of your vehicle.
- No application fees.
- Fast approval.
- All credit types accepted.
- No prepayment penalties.
- Lowest interest rates in the industry..